
Why Judge Moore of Alabama is innocent of abuse accusations

Abusing women of any age is wrong and should not happen. With that said, no one should be falsely accused and convicted without evidence and justice in a courtroom and not by the political kangaroo court we call the Media. If we are going to start convicting and sentencing people with public opinion freedom is gone forever.

When it comes to Judge Moore the candidate for U.S. Senator from Alabama it is easy to say this is a political witch hunt.

The accusations must be viewed in the proper context. These stories are coming from the Washington Post which is a media arm of the Democrat Party and anything they print is suspect and discredited by their past fake news. Gloria Allred has a long history of political showboating. She is the Democrat Party feminist legal arm and discredits the accuser just by walking her before the cameras. Discredited by Allred’s own past.

The only evidence put forward so far is a year book claiming Judge Moore signed it and even if true it is not evidence of attempted rape and would not stand up in any court. These allegations are 40 years old and were never mentioned in any of the many political campaigns Judge Moore has run in over the years. Why not?

Judge Moore has emphatically denied all of these sensational claims. The judge has lived an exemplary life that includes risking his Judgeship defending the Ten Commandments.

The most serious accuser says the Judge attempted to rape her but she never told anyone until now. She says she and her husband were for Trump but her voter registration is inactive. Her only evidence is a yearbook she says the Judge signed but she refused to let a handwriting expert verify the signature. Gloria Allred is evasive when asked questions about the signature? When asked on NBC News Gloria Allred admits “I haven’t asked” if accuser saw Moore sign her yearbook. The note on the yearbook shows a DA after the Judges name although he was not a DA at the time. The accuser and Allred’s none-evidence is completely discredited so there is no attempted rape case here.

Other accusers claim sexual advances not of attempted rape, it is more about their age at the time being they were in their teens 16 to 18 and one 14. One of the accusers worked for and supported Hillary Clinton during the campaign and the others political party affiliations are unknown.

There is absolutely zero evidence accompanying any claim against Judge Moore. There is no reason to doubt Judge Moore’s word. When put in context of 40 years ago the story evaporates like an ice cube in a hot fire. Did you know parental consent is all that is needed in Alabama and Utah at age 14 to get married and people do today?

The age of consent is 16 in Alabama now and was then. Putting things into context discredits all of these abuse claims. You may remember famous super star Jerry Lee Lewis who’s first wife was 13 when he married her and that was not uncommon in Alabama in the past.

Mega Super Star Elvis Presley started dating Pricilla Presley when she was 14 and he married her when she was 21 or 22.

The point is the culture of the past was different than it is now even though the age of consent is still 16 and parents can still give consent to marry or date today in many states. These allegations against Judge Moore are obviously political in nature and should be discarded by Alabama voters.

Electing Judge Moore is the right thing to do.

Judge Moore- the political smear kill shot.

Judge Moore is from Alabama. I found some interesting facts with Alabama law and culture of the south. Politicians have a habit looking back at history through the eyes of today and placing today’s perceived views on the past in order to score political points. I wondered what the culture was back 40 years or so when the alleged incidents occurred. Even though Moore has run in many campaigns in the past none of these women said a word until now. Why?
Judge Moore has denied all of these claims and says he does not know these women.
Here are a few things I found:
The most serious accusation says the Judge attempted to rape her but she never told anyone until now, 40 years later. She says she and her husband were for Trump but her official voter registration shows she has an inactive voter registration. Her only evidence is a yearbook she says the Judge signed but she refused to let a handwriting expert verify the signature. Gloria Allred is speaking for her but will not answer questions about the signature? On NBC News the smear against Judge Roy Moore seems to be falling apart. Gloria Allred admits “I haven’t asked” if accuser saw Moore sign her yearbook. The note on the yearbook shows a DA after the Judges name although he was not a DA at the time. Lots of questions on that one.
Others followed this accuser with accusation of sexual advances not of attempted rape, it is more about their age at the time being they were in their teens 16 to 18 and one 14. One of the accusers worked for Hillary Clinton during the campaign and the others political party affiliation is unknown.
Parental consent is needed in Alabama and Utah at age 14.
The age of consent is 16 in Alabama now and was then. With parental consent, parties can marry at age 14 then and now.
You may remember famous rocker Jerry Lee Lewis who’s first wife was 13 when he married her and that was not uncommon in Alabama in the past.
Rock star Elvis Presley started dating Pricilla Presley when she was 14 and he married her when she was 21 or 22.
The point is the culture of the past was different than it is now even though the age of consent is still 16. It seems much of this dust up about Moore has no basis at all and one is pretty much discredited on several levels. There is no evidence of wrong doing. He said she said is about it.
Could it be this is a political kill shot by powerful people in Washington DC who don’t want Judge Moore the openly Christian in the Senate?

We The People demand a change in leadership in the House and Senate!

The Peoples Proclamation               

WHEREAS, we the people voted for an agenda that encompasses reforming Washington DC, including but not limited to significant tax reduction, restructuring the tax code, a fiscally responsible balanced budget, an honest repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a free-market healthcare system and furthermore a secure border that includes funding for a wall.

WHEREAS, the majority Republican Party leadership has failed repeatedly to keep promises or to protect the voters. Exampled by dangerous open borders dishonest ACA repeal votes, dishonest ACA repeal votes, failing to protect veterans and allowing the IRS to be weaponized without a whimper of opposition or pursuing justice for victims of IRS abuse of power.

WHEREAS, the majority Republican Party leadership has failed to enact legislation to implement the agenda the people voted for and supported in the 2016 election to fund the wall and strengthening border security.

WHEREAS, the majority Republican Party leadership has failed to enact legislation to implement real spending cuts and create a fiscally responsible balanced budget.

WHEREAS, the Republican Party leadership has failed to enact legislation to fully repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as promised in 2010, 2012 and 2016.

WHEREAS, the American people have been misled with imaginary budget cuts, empty border security promises and handed faux votes on repealing the ACA, it has become necessary for the House and Senate leaders to be replaced.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the voters who elected you demand the Congress of the United States to replace the entire Republican leadership and further to keep election promises by enacting legislation to repeal the ACA, reduce taxes, simplify the tax code, balance the budget and fund the border wall immediately.

Our government “of the people, by the people and for the people” shall not perish. All of the leaders in the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate must resign from leadership roles and be replaced with assertive, resolute and truthful leaders who will implement the entire agenda the people voted for in 2016 without delay.

New leadership must replace these failed leaders.

United States House of Representatives

Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, Wisconsin District 1

House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, Calif. District 23

Republican Conference Chairman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Washington State District 5 Republican Policy Committee Chairman, Luke Messer Indiana District 6

United States Senate

Senate Majority Chairman, Mitch McConnell- Kentucky

Senate Majority Whip, John Cornyn – Texas

Republican Conference Chair, John Thune – South Dakota

Republican Policy Committee Chairman – John Barrasso- Wyoming

Republican Conference Vice Chairman – Roy Blunt- Missouri


If you want to help President Trump please go to “PROJECT ACCOUNTABILITY” on face book and get a copy of the peoples proclamation to remove all of the leadership from their leader role including Mitch and Ryan and send it to your Republican congressman and Senators. The leaders have to be held accountable in order to get our agenda implemented. The strategy is to get the Project Accountability Proclamation into the hands of as many Republican Congressman and Senators as possible. Copy it from (PROJECT ACCOUNTABILITY) face book page and send it to your congressman with a note demanding that they vote to vacate the entire leadership and replace them with people who will implement the agenda we voted for and support our agenda which is President Trumps Agenda. You can also use the Congressmen’s email system by googling their contact information and send it to them from their own district when possible. Then frequently call your Republican congressman and Senators office and tell them you want the entire leadership replaced. Then call every day or every week and ask them the same question over and over and over until they get it done. The calls are important and only take a minute to tell them to vote the leadership out. Plan on making the same call over and over until 2018 if necessary. Keep calling no matter what they say. That makes them understand we are not going away. That is the message to repeat in every way you can. Social media or letters to the editor and regular calls asking how they are coming with the vote to oust the leaders. Spread the word. It takes a little work by all to do a lot. Contact your like-minded face book friends and ask them to contact their congressman. The more people from different states the better. The key is repeatedly calling and emailing them. Be nice but hound them often with the same request no matter what they say until the current leaders are replaced. Getting people from all 50 states would be outstanding. We can do it.